About Get Healthy CT

Get Healthy CT is a coalition dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyles by removing the barriers to healthy eating and physical activity. Get Healthy CT was formed in Greater Bridgeport in 2010 and has expanded to include a chapter in New Haven and coordinated efforts in Greenwich. Our approach is to work together with community partners to identify existing resources and programs and use our website as the central connecting point for information and collaboration. Our community-wide coalition aims to “make the healthy choice the easy choice.”

The Get Healthy CT coalition has grown to over 300 member organizations including health care providers, health departments and health districts, social service providers, colleges and universities, businesses, town and legislative leaders, researchers, and faith-based organizations.

Generous grant funding was provided for the development of Get Healthy CT by the United Way of Coastal Fairfield County with additional in-kind and financial support from our member organizations. The work of Get Healthy CT is in line with community need as healthy living, overweight and obesity as identified in recent Community Health Needs Assessments.


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